Meet the Actuarial Talent Behind The Actuary
Contributing editors serve as the backbone of The Actuary February/March 2017Authors, editors, designers, SOA staff and a host of volunteers are highly instrumental in producing The Actuary six times a year. But the group whose names appear on the magazine’s masthead—the board of contributing editors—is the one that devotes countless volunteer hours finding writers, offering advice to authors and reviewing the articles that stream into us for submission. Their talent, energy and expertise are the backbone of this publication.
Serving a two-year term as content experts in their area of practice, contributing editors also provide direction on industry trends and important emerging topics, ensuring each area of practice receives the appropriate coverage and that there is something of interest for every member in each issue.
These SOA members currently serve as contributing editors of The Actuary:
We extend our gratitude to the contributing editors who recently rolled off the volunteer board, including: