Off the Beaten Path

Innovative resources and professional development opportunities to help you become a better actuary and leader


ReFocus Conference

March 10–13, Las Vegas
Join your colleagues for the 13th annual global conference for senior-level life insurance and reinsurance executives, jointly sponsored by the American Council of Life Insurers and the Society of Actuaries (SOA). Get more information and register today.


From Filmmaking to Predictive Analytics

As a film major in college with a dream to shoot movies, actuary Michael Xiao, FSA, CERA, MAAA, had an untraditional start to his actuarial career. Today, he uses predictive analytics to solve problems in the health care industry. Learn more.


Retirement Across the Generations

This SOA report looks at how different generations manage their finances and retirement. Financial perspectives of five generations are the focus: millennials, Generation X, late boomers, early boomers, and the silent generation.

Mortality Improvement Scale

Download the SOA’s mortality improvement scale for pension plans, MP-2018. The SOA’s preliminary estimates suggest that compared to Scale MP-2017, implementing the MP-2018 improvement scale could reduce a plan’s pension obligations by 0.2–0.4 percent for females and 0.3–0.6 percent for males, when calculated using a 4 percent discount rate.


Track Your Progress

Keep track of your continuing professional development (CPD) by downloading the free SOA CPD Tracker tool. It is available for iOS and Android, and it also can be accessed on your desktop using a web browser.

Copyright © 2018 by the Society of Actuaries, Chicago, Illinois.