Sophisticated Solutions

Here’s your source for industry briefings and SOA news. Important headline information, section highlights and current stories—in short, news to note.

Predictive Analytics Used in Preventing Accidental Deaths

Forbes reports that overdose from the misuse of prescription or illegal opioids overtook road accidents as the most common cause of accident death in the United States in 2016. In Canada, the situation has been called a “national health crisis.” Scientists at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee are working with big data analytics architects at Fuzzy Logix to develop and provide solutions to this growing problem.

Health Care and Artificial Intelligence

In a recent Venture Beat article, it was reported that dozens of venture capitalists see the most potential for applied artificial intelligence (AI) in the health care field. They noted that the ultimate dream is to eradicate disease entirely, but innovation is challenged by risk aversion and digitization. Read how humanity stands to benefit from the application of AI.

Metrics Masters

Read how CFOs can take charge of nonfinancial performance measures without alienating the rest of the organization. See how the proliferation of data analytics plays a significant role.