Tricks of the Trade

Looking to be a leader in your workplace or in your profession? Here are some resources that can help you in that quest.

How to be an Ethical Leader: Interview with Seletha R. Butler

Seletha Butler is an assistant professor of Business Law and Ethics at Scheller College of Business at Georgia Institute of Technology, the author of All on Board! Strategies for Constructing Diverse Boards of Directors and an entrepreneur. Butler has a Bachelor of Science in Corporate Finance from the University of Alabama, a Juris Doctor from Harvard Law School and a Master of Business Administration from Georgia Institute of Technology.

In the podcast “How to be an Ethical Leader,” Butler explores three components: organizational leadership, ethical decision-making and the art of diversity. This discussion offers actuaries practical advice on how to be an ethical leader.

New Valuation Tables on recently added 2015 Valuation Basic Tables (VBT) and 2017 Commissioner’s Standard Ordinary (CSO) Tables. Access the website for mortality tables and other rate tables.

New Look and Features for My SOA

My SOA, the Web interface for SOA accounts, has a new design, navigation and more personalized content based on the user’s area of practice. Members and candidates easily can access their account information, order history, information on their exams and e-courses, their continuing professional development details and credits, as well as information on their SOA community activities and volunteer opportunities. Visit My SOA to start using this updated interface.

If you know of a tool that might be beneficial to other actuaries, please let us know by sending an email to